Other Turnings Currently

I have also done two styles of bottle openers, and a “pull tab” opener and a few Christmas Ornaments.  Other items are in the works and will be added to this page when done.

These too can be in any wood, or acrylic if I can get the right size.

The “familiar” opener.  Left is Gunmetal on Spalted Maple.  Right is Chrome on Cherry.

Other finishes are available as well.

A style you may not have seen.

On the right is Stainless Steel on Olive Wood.  I made this one short but can be as long as you like.

The left one is a Pull Tab Opener, for pull tabs on cans.  Also stainless steel, this one is on Cherry.

Note, the pull tab does not fit soda/pop cans.

My first Christmas Ornament.  Gold hardware on Bubinga wood.

Left Gold on Cherry

Right Antique Copper on Cherry.

This one is also on Cherry.  

Reason for all the Cherry wood is that my late Father-In-Law years ago gave me an, 8” wide by 2” thick and 10 foot long plank.  Had to cut it in half when we moved.

For a good 15 years they sat.  I wasn’t sure what I wanted to make out them.  Well when I began my wood turning, it was easy free wood to begin.  I made pen blanks from some of it, and some I made into other things like above.  I still have a 5 foot board left.


Salt Shaker

Spalted Maple, Stabilize

Pepper Shaker

So what IS “spalted”?  For example, Maple.

Spalted maple is a type of wood that has been affected by fungus.

To understand “stabilizing”, it would be better for you to read it at this site www.thewoodenify.com

The spores of the fungus enter the wood through cracks or wounds, and as the fungi grow, they produce patterns called “spalting.”  It can cause some nice looks.

Perfume Pendent's in Gold.

Top is Pink & White Marble acrylic.

Bottom is Pink Camo.

Unscrew the top, slip out the glass vial, twist and pull the white plastic off the vial and fill.

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